Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in two volumes in 1852, the novel had a profound effect on attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the U.S., and is said to have “helped lay the groundwork for the [American] Civil War”.
Theme Of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe was a fervent anti-slavery activist. Her experiences and the horrors of slavery in her own life helped inspire her to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The novel reveals how the evils of slavery degraded the soul of black men and women. It also showed the power of Christian love and how it triumphs over evil. This theme is symbolized by the character of Eva, who dies in the end but is resurrected by the power of Christ.
One of the main themes of Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the contrast between the North and South, freedom and oppression. This is a clear theme that Stowe used to elicit an emotional response from her readers. Stowe used a style of writing called sentimental fiction to appeal to the emotions of her audience. This type of fiction was popular at the time and evoked strong feelings, especially among women.
Another major theme is the relationship between slaves and their masters. This is a theme that Stowe uses to show how slaves are subordinated and cannot speak for themselves. She also shows how slaves have to obey their masters or face severe punishment.
Stowe also uses the theme of motherhood to convey her message that women are the most powerful moral force against the evils of slavery. Through characters like Eliza, who sacrifices her own life to save her son, and Eva, a woman who embodies the ideal of Christian love, Stowe proves that women have the power to save their families and communities from slavery. She also argues that motherhood is the model for all morality and that only a virtuous woman can save the United States from the corruption of slavery.
Uncle Tom is a pious slave who is steadfast in his Christian beliefs and unflinchingly defends his fellow man. His loyalty and docility set him apart from his peers, and he becomes a catalyst for change in the lives of those around him. His character spawned the negative “Uncle Tom” stereotype, but Stowe used him as a vehicle for her argument against slavery.
On the voyage to New Orleans Tom saves a beautiful young girl named Little Eva from drowning. Upon meeting him at their final destination she begs her father to buy him, and the two become best friends. She is described as being heavenly and angelic, with large eyes that inspire love in those who look at her. Eva is forgiving and devoted to her religion, but she laments the cruelty to which slaves are subjected. Eventually she becomes ill and on her deathbed asks her father to free all his slaves.
Shelby is Tom’s master in Kentucky. He is an educated and kind man who tries to help his slaves, but he allows slavery to continue. Shelby is a good character, but Stowe uses him to demonstrate that even the most well-meaning whites are complicit in the institution.
The brutal final owner of Tom is Simon Legree’s, a Yankee who is a greedy and cruel man. He tries to crush Tom’s faith by whipping him mercilessly, but Tom refuses to stop reading his Bible or comforting his fellow slaves. Legree’s cruelty eventually makes him hate Tom, but he still prays to God for strength. Another slave, Topsy, is the daughter of St. Clare and a close friend of Eva’s. She acts like a jovial simpleton to mask her more complex emotions.
The story begins on the Shelby plantation in Kentucky, where enslaved Tom and his four-year old brother Harry are sold to pay off the family’s debts. They are purchased by Mr. Haley, who sells them to a notorious slave trader named Simon Legree. Legree is cruel and only provides his slaves with the bare necessities of life. He also whips them when they fail to obey his orders. Tom tries to conform to his new master’s ways but cannot overcome his conscience. He enlists the help of Cassy, Legree’s black concubine and advisor.
During the voyage downriver, Tom saves a pure white girl named Eva St. Clare, whose father then purchases him. He and Eva become friends, though she is sickly. When Eva nears death, she asks her father to free all his slaves. Her father complies, and Tom accompanies the family to New Orleans.
After the Civil War, Uncle Tom’s Cabin gained international renown. It became a defining symbol of the antislavery movement and helped spark the emancipation movement in the United States. It was a bestseller, and its critics were divided. Many feared that the book would lead to racial disruption and even slavery rebellions. However, the majority of readers supported its message and viewed it as a tool in furthering social reform. The novel is a key text in the study of American literature, and it has had an impact on other works of fiction as well as the broader culture of the United States.
The story begins at the Shelby plantation in Kentucky as Tom and four-year old Harry are sold to pay the family’s debts. Their new owners, Arthur and Emily Shelby, are compassionate farmers who love their slaves. Their maid, Eliza, develops a close bond with Tom and Harry. But when the Shelby’s debts force them to sell the children, Eliza escapes with her husband George Harris and Tom. Their dramatic leap across the half-frozen Ohio River symbolizes freedom.
Throughout the novel, Tom’s deep-rooted faith motivates him to stand up for what he believes is right. He demonstrates Christlike passivity in the face of his tormentors and encourages others to embrace Christianity as a way to overcome the cruelness of slavery. The author also emphasizes the moral strength and integrity of women by highlighting the character of Eva, an angelic young black girl who is wise beyond her years.
The plot of Uncle Tom’s Cabin illustrates the tumultuous dynamics of racial relations in the United States. The characterization of the slave Tom, who is described as “stout and dignified” but also as a stutterer, exemplifies the complexity of these relationships. Stowe’s reliance on racial stereotypes, such as the belief that blacks were inferior, is problematic.
In 1851, Stowe wrote to Gamaliel Bailey, editor of the antislavery paper The National Era in Washington, and offered him her story. He ran 41 weekly installments in the paper between June and November, which created a sensation. This was a tipping point—Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a hard shove toward abolitionism.
After the success of the serial, Stowe published a two-volume book in 1852. This set off a wave of “anti-Tom” novels defending the South, a profitable merchandising movement, and stage adaptations that owed more to blackface minstrel tradition than to Stowe’s ideas. These distorted the themes of the novel and created degraded caricatures of Tom and Topsy.
The publication of the book also sparked a debate over whether or not it was suitable children’s literature. The debate would continue into the early 20th century, as it was adapted for the silent film era and then again as made-for-television productions. In both cases, the shortened versions of the novel that were produced allowed the story to reach audiences who might not otherwise have had access to a classic literary work. The book was so popular that it even had a number of special children’s editions printed before copyright expired. It has since been translated into 37 languages and continues to influence the way we view slavery in the 21st century.