The Great Gatsby Book Cover

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby Book Cover

The Great Gatsby has become one of the most famous American novels. It explores issues such as social class, inherited versus self-made wealth, and gender.

The book also criticizes America’s lack of a moral framework. This can be seen in Tom’s lie to Myrtle about being a Catholic. Fitzgerald himself had little religious faith, which is another reason for the novel’s cynicism.

The American Dream

The American Dream is a powerful concept that can be considered in various ways through The great Gatsby. The story challenges the traditional idea that anyone can rise to the top and achieve success if they work hard enough. Instead, the story shows that a person’s social class is often a major determinate of their life’s path. In addition, the fact that Gatsby achieved his wealth through immoral means undermines the notion that he is a classic rags to riches hero.

The story also highlights the difference between old money and new money in America. The old money families, such as Tom and Daisy, are wealthy because of their inherited fortunes. In contrast, the new money in America comes from a variety of sources such as Hollywood stars, celebrities and bootleggers. These people are often seen as a threat to the old money elites because they are not rooted in tradition.

In the end, Gatsby’s pursuit of the American Dream is unsuccessful because his wealth and status can’t bring him happiness. In fact, Gatsby reveals that he is actually quite miserable despite his immense wealth and extravagant parties. He is constantly comparing himself to Daisy and wondering if he could recapture the past that they once had together. Ultimately, the dream is a failure because it leads to disillusionment and cynicism in the characters involved. By the end of the story, Gatsby has lost everything.

The Jazz Age

A time when new styles of music and dance gained popularity and culture diversified. The Jazz Age also saw a rise in wealth and consumption. New cars, clothes, and homes became a staple of the American lifestyle. The Great Gatsby reflects this change through many of the book’s characters. In addition, the hedonistic attitude of the times is evident through the parties that Gatsby hosts.

Another aspect of the Roaring Twenties that is depicted in The Great Gatsby is the role of women. In the past, men dominated society and controlled their women’s lives, but as the suffragette movement gained momentum, more women began to gain equal rights in the workplace and home. This is evident in the relationship between Tom and Daisy in The Great Gatsby, where Tom attempts to keep control over his wife, while she desires independence. However, despite the newfound freedom of women, sexist attitudes still persist.

Overall, The Great Gatsby is a novel about the corruption of morals and the desire for money and power. It is a snapshot of an era that would come to a sudden end in the October 1929 crash on Wall Street, bringing with it the suffragette movement’s ultimate goal: the right to vote.


Gender is a huge aspect of The Great Gatsby and can be seen throughout the book. Fitzgerald displayed gender roles conservatively, portraying women as reliant on men and having few rights. In contrast, he portrayed men as powerful and having many opportunities to establish their power and reputation in society. This portrayal of gender roles shows a societal culture controlled by patriarchy that does not accept equality between the sexes.

Fitzgerald displays a range of female characters in The Great Gatsby, including Jordan Baker and Myrtle Wilson. These women challenge patriarchal sexual taboos by engaging in premarital sex and by being open about their relationships with men. They also demonstrate a sense of independence that is not expected of them in the society they live in. However, Jordan and Daisy are corrupt in that their morality is wealth-based, whereas Tom is cynical and he thinks that women must be beautiful to survive.

While the story takes place in the early 20th century, the gender conventions of this time are still prevalent today. Men are expected to earn more money and are considered the leaders of their families, whereas women are viewed as being responsible for cooking and caring for children.

The Great Gatsby explores the tension between these two genders, with characters such as Nick Carraway struggling to balance his role as a man and a woman. While he is a good husband and father, he feels that he must maintain his status as a gentleman by following traditional gender norms. He is concerned that he will lose his prestige and good name if he begins to question gender stereotypes, especially the notion of masculinity.


Racism is an important part of the novel and reflects the times in which it takes place. It is a time of great wealth but also of corruption and moral decadence. Many of the wealthy people of this era become dazzled by their wealth and lose touch with their old values and morals. They often fall into dishonest and corrupt affairs with people from other races. This is evident in the characters of Tom Buchanan and Nick Carraway.

Fitzgerald seems to be making a point of showing that although we live in a time of growing equality, there are still certain areas in which inequality is prevalent. These areas are not only in wealth, but also in social status and the thwarted personal goals that they foster. This is a theme that can be seen in the lives of Daisy and Tom, as well as Gatsby and Nick.

Despite his own beliefs, he falls in love with Gatsby and starts an affair with him. This is a huge step for him because at this point in his life, he was only interested in women who were beautiful and had lots of money. This shows the true nature of Tom’s character and his beliefs. It is a twisted combination of pride, prejudice, and greed.

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